Today involved a lot of socialising and eating out. It's tough, but someone has to do it.
I always look forward to catching up with my friend Julie and her girls - Charlotte and Madeline with Frances. Today another school friend Rachael also joined- so was good times. I first met Julie when I was at Uni doing my Anthropology degree and her, Frances and I did a couple of papers together, then also graduated with out BA's together as well :) I have seen her daughters grow up. Madeline now 14 was only a baby when I first met her, and Charlotte now 16 was only 2! While that is very cool - I'm starting to feel old! :)
Anyway - met for Brunch at Starfish in St Clair right beside the Esplanade - on a truly beautiful Summers morning - absolutely stunning!
I started today's food with a Thai Beef Salad - nothing on the breakfast menu appealed - either too much bread, too bigger meals or things I can't digest like pancakes. It - along with the now common long black were delicious!
A lot of catch ups and comments on how much I have changed since I last saw Julie and the girls 9 months ago. I suppose it is true - I just am with myself everyday so don't see it much. It was lovely and slowly Im learning to take compliments. Amusing compliments included:
Your boobs look bigger and more pointy (he he he).
You sit more flatter than you used to - you used to be rounder.
Your eyes have opened up a lot more - those eyelashes need some mascara now :)
You have collar bones now (I think I always have just quietly - just more hidden)
Look at your feet - they have shrunk too!
Your face is way more narrow than it used to be.
I found some older photos of me and Frances with the girls - just for comparison (and I know Julie you read the blog so just to see how we have all changed through the last few years)
Mid 2010
April 2011 - Post-op
January 2012 - Post Op
And a few other photos.....
Me and Rachael
Otis enjoying his fluffy!
Also caught up with little bro and his girlfriend again - and had lunch consisting of smoked salmon on a salad with a kumara cake - quite nice, but kumara cake a little dry so took that one slowly with a sauce they had on it (not creamy) - didn't get a pic - would have explained it better - plus water and a long black (of course) - pretty good.
From there a little shopping then home to spend time with the parents. A lovely salmon dinner was had (salmon - twice in one day - score!) The salmon was grilled with lemon and lime on it and serve with salad - soooo good!
Had a few walnuts for a snack but that was my food - lots of yummy things - can tell Im still on holiday!
Exercise - none - too much else to do today.
Wow look at you :) You are lookin good! Oh and I would so come visit New Zealand...I hear all of the good sheep live there and I would so be buying yarn on my around the world trip.